Panel Items

Add new Item in my Panel

tip: I recommend Notepad++ for a more comfortable use of config editing.

Adding items to panels is as simple as creating a panel. The chest consists of numbers starting from 0 to 26 or 52 on the menu. Choose and use.

Add new Item

  1: #this number is slot
    meta: ItemMeta #StringToItemParser Item Meta name
    name: Item Name #Item Custom Name

To find the ItemMeta codes, you must check the meta with your GitHub account. StringToItemParser

Adding detailed items

      meta: ItemMeta #StringToItemParser Item Meta name
      name: "Item Name"
      count: 16 #Item Count
      readonly: true #Determines whether the item can be taken or not

Determining item retrievability on only one slot

    1: #this number is slot
      readonly: true #Determines whether the item can be taken or not
      #If you do not specify an item, that slot is filled with an air block, not empty.

Adding to Command in Items

    10: #this number is slot
      meta: ItemMeta #StringToItemParser Item Meta name
      name: "Item Name" #Item Custom Name
      count: 16 #Item Count
      readonly: true #Determines whether the item can be taken or not
      commands: #adding command
        - close
        - tms=50 give=leather_chestplate

Last updated