Main Panel Settings

Create new Panel

tip: I recommend Notepad++ for a more comfortable use of config editing.

Log in to your server panel and enter the "plugin_data" folder in its files. Within this folder, look for the "CustomPanels" folder. Open a file named "mypanel.yml" within the folder. (you can use any naming you want instead of mypanel)

into the file you opened.

  name: panel name
  command: panelcommand
  description: Panel Description

Use this information. and change it according to your needs.

Since this panel should not be empty, we must add items to it.

      meta: ItemMeta #StringToItemParser Item Meta name
      name: "Item Name"
      count: 16 #Item Count
        - close #close this menu
        - msg=This menu is closed #Send Message in player

If we combine this information

  name: panel name #required
  command: panelcommand #required
  description: Panel Description #Not required
  type: CHEST or DOUBLE_CHEST #required
  items: #required
    1: #Item slot number in (0-ChestTopSlot)
      meta: ItemMeta #StringToItemParser Item Meta name (Required but default: air)
      name: "Item Name" #Not required
      count: 16 #Item Count (Not required)
      commands: #Not required
        - close #close this menu
        - msg=This menu is closed #Send Message in player

New Details

Panel configurations: To get more features, check our other features.

  name: "panel test"
  command: test
  description: Test Description
  type: CHEST
  readonly: true #Determines whether items will be taken or not (def: true)
  permission: custompanels.settings #Panel Perm (def: custompanels.openpanels)
  empty: nether_star #Panel empty slot item

readonly property

readonly: true #Items can't be collected
readonly: false #Items can be collected

permission property

permission: custompanels.perm
default permission (null or nothing) = custompanels.openpanels

empty property

empty: item_meta #All kinds of items are accepted

Last updated