Player Commands

Teleport Command (Player to Coordinate)

        - tp=X Y Z
        #- "tp=30 71 -20"
        - close #The teleport suffix is ​​used before the close feature to avoid data errors.

Give Command

        - give=item_meta amount
        #- give=diamond 32

Many active brackets such as spell craftability may be added in future versions

Features coming in the future

Buy Item

        - buy=item_meta one_count_price count
        #- buy=diamond 25 4
        #Buying 4 diamonds for a total price of 100 (one_count_price X count)

Sell Item

        - sell=item_meta one_count_price count
        #- sell=diamond 25 4
        #Selling 4 diamonds for a total price of 100 (one_count_price X count)

Last updated